Folks have you ever tried going to a government office and be told that the person in charge is not there? It is so frustrating isn't it when you had to spend a lot for transportation just to be there.
Most of the time I ask if there is a second liner and most of the time the answer is no.
So when I come to sit in Quezon City Hall I will institute a policy of two by two. Each important function in each office must have two people responsible for it: One who will have major and the other minor responsibility. In other words, the public shall get an answer or the required action to the query.
I went to Comelec District 4 last January and asked for a list of voting precincts in QC, and the answer to me was the person in charge is not there.
How valuable is the list? Thise are the places where the poll watchers will be assigned.
Next I asked for the map of the city and I was told I could buy it from the bookstore. How adequate or equipped is Comelec in helping candidates prepare for the campaign without thir knowing the territory that they are supposed to represent? With this kind of answer, it is no wonder that only the moneyed class can afford to run for a position, someone who has all the resources and who can pay people to run around and domthings for them. No, this is not how. democracy should function,not the way that a COMELEC in a country has to function.
Then I asked where are the poster areas, and I was told they didnt know yet.
What kind of preparation does COMELEC do to give importance to that event where the people will be choosing the leaders of a city, the leaders of a country? What does it do to make the people make an important intelligent choice and not based on name, money, or personalities? How do they make the people aware that the candidates that have been approved have the right credentials and qualifications to run? How will the people
be able to compare who the best candidate is for the position?
Is it not imperative that the COMELEC provides us all the ncessary information on each candidate somthat we could make a good assessment and pick the right individual for the position?
It is already 2019 and we are still in this stage of being in the dark as to what are the proper and moral electoral practices. The COMELEC has to make a historical step already, and that is to take the people's need for enlightened voting choice, once and for all.
The Senate and Congress have to step in to insure that COMELEC is impartial and ready to assist all candidates and the public in exercising their right of suffrage.
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